Brazil's CAPES PrInt Program

The Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel in Brazil (CAPES), launched the CAPES PrInt program in 2018, which provides R$ 300,000,000 (three hundred million reals) annually to universities in Brazil, to help them internationalize their PhD programs and research networks through linkages with foreign partners.

Each university administers their CAPES-PrInt funding independently, and launches their specific calls for proposals at different times of the year. Four different mobility programs are available:

  • Visiting (Junior/Senior) Professor Abroad (6-12 months). Fellowships granted to faculty from universities in Brazil, to conduct research stays at partner institutions.
  • Visiting Professor from an International University (15 days). Fellowships granted to internationally renowned researchers, working and residing outside Brazil, to teach courses, conduct training workshops, lecture, or coordinate seminars in Brazil.
  • Postdoc positions in Brazil for PhD graduates (12 months). Fellowships granted to researchers with international experience to work at a Brazilian university.
  • Research Stay Abroad for PhD students. (6-12 months) Fellowships granted to doctoral students from universities in Brazil to conduct a research stay abroad.


Applications must be submitted by a researcher working at a Brazilian university, and should be aligned with that university's institutional plan for internationalization.